
Pastors & Staff

bro. robert webb

Our Pastor

Bro. Robert L. Webb became our first pastor in September of 2008.  Bro. Robert and his wife Deborah are the parents of Nathan, Samuel and Daniel.  They are grandparents to little Theo. Deborah earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in early childhood education and child development from Houston Baptist University and her Master of Religious Education in Children’s Ministry at Covington Theological Seminary.  She currently teaches kindergarten in Kaufman.
Bro. Robert earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Elementary Education from Houston Baptist University, a Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from Covington Theological Seminary.  His area of specialization is biblical eschatology particularly as it relates to the nation of Israel.  Bro. Robert has pastored churches in Texas since 1987.  His passion is preaching God’s inerrant, incomparable, infallible, incredible Word!
Bro. Robert’s Story:
“It is hard for me to believe how great my childhood was. I grew up in a home filled with love and fun. My Dad was a pastor and church wasn’t just a part of our life, it was our life. Not only were my parents Christians, but everyone in our extended family were involved in church life. It was all I knew. I was a good kid– a straight A student who was obedient and respectful. Honestly, I never gave my parents a minute’s worth of trouble.
One day I learned a Bible verse, Isaiah 53:6 which says, “All we, like sheep, have gone astray; We have turned , everyone, to his own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” It was then that I realized that regardless of how active my family was in church, how devoted my parents and other relatives were or how good a guy I genuinely tried to be, I was still a sinner and was responsible for my own sin before God. Sure, God loves me and blesses me, but there was still the matter of my sin. In addition to God being loving, He is also holy and can’t just excuse sin. It had to be punished. God is so loving that He sent His own Son, Jesus, to take the punishment for my sinfulness.
On August 1, 1976, I got honest with God and told Him that I believed what the Bible says about Jesus is true–He is God’s Son come in the flesh to pay the price for my sin by dying on the cross. I also told Him I believed that Jesus rose from the dead by God’s power just like the Bible says. I asked Him to please forgive me and save me from my sinfulness and to let me live for Him! To this day I am still amazed that God loves all people the way He does–even good kids like me. Thanks for taking a minute to read my story.
One last questionIs there any reason why you wouldn’t receive God’s free gift for life right now?”

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